Partners in Dental Health - Virginia Beach & NorfolkAppointment Request
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Home Phone:
Work or Cell

Office I prefer
Please call me on:
Best time to call is:

Is this you first visit?

Do you have an immediate concern?

Helpful Information for Your First Visit.

Your first visit to Partners In Dental Health will be relaxing and comforting meeting the team members and dentist. Our welcome paper work can be filled out at the office or these can be printed at home and completed prior to your visit.

Please bring with you your drivers license and dental insurance card. Depending are your immediate needs you will be seen by the doctor and a dental exam and plan will be formulated.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your first visit:
Drivers license
Dental insurance card(s)
Recent x-rays (duplicates)
A list of medications you are presently taking.

IMPORTANT: All patients under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the consultation visit.

If your past dentist or physician has taken x-rays, you may request that they forward them to our office. If there is not enough time, please pick them up and bring them to our office. If additional films are necessary, they can be taken at our facility.

A link to our Forms & Policies for you convenience.

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